Kgalagadi Relief Trust Policy Statement on Social Projects

Primary Objective of the Kgalagadi Relief Trust

According to Clause 4 of the Trust Deed, the primary objective of the KRT is to:
make payment of Grants to Beneficiaries as fully, fairly and effectively as its means allow, subject to the qualifications and limitations of the Deed and the Schedule of Grant amounts which shall be furnished to the Trustees from time to time.

Social Project Objectives

Clause 9.2.15 of the Trust Deed states that the Trustees may: “… use funds which have been raised, allocated and/or acquired for this specific purpose to undertake or commission special projects, investigations or programmes that will be of direct benefit or advantage to the communities affected by the asbestos mining and milling activities of the Asbestos Investment Group. The Trustees may in their discretion allocate interest accrued on the Trust Funds for such purpose, but not the capital amounts allocated for the payment of Grants or costs.”

Social Project Funding Principles

Mindful of the primary objective of the KRT and that the payment of grants is a priority, the Trustees have agreed to use twenty percent of funds that are available under Clause 9.2.15 of the Trust Deed for social projects which broadly encompass the following:

  • Education and advocacy regarding asbestos exposure and its consequences;
  • Rehabilitation of asbestos pollution in former mining areas;
  • Research into medical and environmental matters relating to asbestos; and
  • Medical assistance for beneficiaries suffering from asbestos related diseases.

The use of funds for these purposes and the choice of projects that receive support is at the sole discretion of the Trustees.

The KRT will not consider applications that do not have a direct link to the above mentioned objectives and funding principles or from “for-profit” businesses or enterprises.

Approvals Procedure

Applications for funding must be submitted in the approved format to the executive management of the Trust for a preliminary assessment and submission to the Trustees for consideration.

Administration and Monitoring Procedure

Executive management of the Trust will monitor the performance of any projects supported by the Trust, including compliance with any grant conditions, and report back to the Trustees.

ARD Diagnostic Workshops

The talks will cover several occupational health issues, not solely focusing on asbestos concerns, as a broader range of topics will encourage more attendees. From previous experience, we expect approximately 20 health professionals from surrounding areas to attend.

Health professionals come away with greater understanding of, and appreciation for, current issues in occupational medicine as well as the work carried out by both Asbestos Relief Trust and Kgalagadi Relief Trust. CPD points will be awarded for attendance.

Development of Training Material to Train Primary Health Care (PHC) Nurses in Fundamentals in Occupational Health with a Special Focus on Recognition of Disease Caused by Exposure to Asbestos and Silica Dust

The purpose of the training is to equip PHC nurses with the knowledge and skill necessary to take an appropriate occupational history and refer suspected occupational disease cases to the next level of referral, i.e, the employer or the district hospital. Their role is to have a high index of suspicion for work-related problems and knowledge of referral systems. Through the early detection of disease these nurses can contribute to timeous identification of potential problems and provide referral for the proper management, prevention of further deterioration, compensation and/or rehabilitation of an employee/patient.

PHC nurses who complete this course will be better equipped to identify occupational ill health.


Kuruman Palliative Care Programme

The Kgalagadi Relief Trust and the Asbestos Relief Trust jointly funds a palliative care programme, administered by a nurse who provides palliative care services, support and counselling to individuals diagnosed with asbestos related cancers in the greater Kgalagadi district.

Cancer Charity Workers

The Cancer Charity Workers (CCW) is a community- based group operating in the Kgalagadi district. It provides assistance and support to cancer sufferers including sustenance to individuals attending the oncology clinic at Kuruman Hospital, as well as transport to doctors’ appointments and assistance with purchasing medicine.

The programme is being jointly funded by the Kgalagadi Relief Trust and the Asbestos Relief Trust.

Social, Environmental and Policy Aspects of the Legacy of Asbestos Mining

Research is currently being undertaken into the immediate future on the legacy of asbestos mining and its on-going impacts on people and the environment, and the unfinished business of rehabilitation and support for past victims of occupational and environmental exposure.

Mesothelioma Incidence & Mortality in South Africa from 2003 to 2013

The aim of the study is to estimate mesothelioma incidence and mortality using the probalistic data linking method, based on mesothelioma data from the National Cancer Registry, StatsSA, PATHAUT (NIOH miners autopsy database), and the ART and KRT database.

The benefits of the study are:

  • Adding knowledge on mesothelioma mortality rates in South Africa
  • Determining the differences in trends in reported mesothelioma death in South Africa, which is important for epidemioloic surveillance.

Mesothelioma Incidence Near Kuruman Study (MINKS)

The objective of this study is to develop a model to accurately predict the number of cases of mesothelioma among potential and successful claimants in the next 15 to 20 years. The study is important for the Trusts to estimate the number of future cases of asbestos-related cancer as accurately as possible in order to allocate remaining funds.

This research is being jointly funded by Kgalagadi Relief Trust and the Asbestos Relief Trust and is ongoing.

Asbestos Awareness Library

The objective of this project is to construct a virtual library of Southern African literature concerned with asbestos. The topics will include; asbestos related disease; mining, milling and production of asbestos; manufacture of asbestos products; the geology of asbestos; asbestos in the environment and the workplace; legislation, regulations and best practice recommendations. This library will be in the public domain and where copyright allows the complete article will be made available in an electronic format.

The Neil White Bursary

A bursary awarded for study towards a two year part-time Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH), or similar course at a South African university. Previous bursary recipients have completed the DOH at the University of Cape Town and the University of the Witwatersrand.

A bursary programme is jointly funded by the Asbestos Relief Trust and the Kgalagadi Relief Trust.

The White Bursary Recipients include:

  • Ms M Ramatsekisa
  • Dr TG Anizoba
  • Dr J le Roux
  • Dr IP Jood
  • Dr I Sekwayo

Supedi Maths Programme

Supedi maths programme aims to up-skill educators in teaching maths to learners through the use of manipulatives, which are especially designed tools/materials used by learners that aid the learning process. This was a social responsibility initiative aimed at improving the lives of people from former asbestos mining communities.

Kgalagadi Relief Trust and the Asbestos Relief Trust sponsored the programme in several former disadvantaged schools within former asbestos mining communities in the Northern Cape.

Programme participants include:

2008 Kgalagadi District

  • Isagontle Primary School
  • Segonyane Primary School
  • Kudumane Primary School
  • Lareng Primary School
  • Seupe Primary School
  • Maruping Primary Schoo
  • lMoholeng Primary School
  • Robanyane Primary School
  • Moraledi Primary School
  • Vlakfontien Primary School

2009 Kgalagadi District

  • Gamopedi Primary School
  • Gantatelang Primary School
  • Ineeleng Primary School
  • Maiphinicke Primary School
  • Mapoteng Primary School
  • Mahube -A-Mosho Pre
  • Pearly Early Learn Cent.
  • Ncweng Primary School
  • Rearata Intermediate
  • Sedibeng Primary School
  • Mmambana Pre -Primary
  • Bodulong Pre -Primary